DD-Code Early Advanced Home School Education [EAHSE]
Early Learning, Homeschooling and Parenting Summary History
Home-schooling continues today and will continue far into the future from now because throughout human history Parents have always been the primary care givers of their children. For example, parents without knowing how, teach their children the most complex of all human achievements, the ability of human speech by just 3 years of age.
There have been many famous, and human evolutionary people who learned all or some part of their education at home, people such as:
Joan of Arc, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt Peale, Davy Crocket, Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Benjamin Franklin, Charlie Chaplin, Agatha Christie, Douglas MacArthur, George Pattern, Stonewall Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill, Florence Nightingale, Thomas Edison, Louis Armstrong, Whoopi Goldberg, Andrew Carnegie, Mozart, Mark Twain, Hans Christian Anderson, Virginia Woolf, Beatrix Potter, Sandra Day O'Connor, Susan B. Anthony….to mention a few.
Standard and Custom Made Material DD-Code Can Provide for Your Family
- Below is an example and Summary Introduction of Standard and Custom made materials for Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Algebra that we can provide for your family in early childhood to achieve the results shown in these sections.
- These materials can be used strictly for Homeschooling or in combination with traditional schooling as supplemental or extra curricula Education.
- After viewing the information below, write and tell us what you may want made or developed for your child in these areas. We read and reply to all correspondence in 4 working days. Enjoy. ddcodehoneschooling@theddcode.com
INTRODUCTION 1: This Is How 4- And 5-Year-Olds Do ALGEBRA
DD-Code and Visual Primer technology represent the first step in bringing Education and Homs Schooling up to date with modern times by nurturing the very great potential that is unique to the very young in early childhood with coded technology and special developments, particularly in language and mathematics now, made possible more than at any other time in history.
Where a family decides, or chooses, these technologies can facilitate normal everyday children to complete year 12 senior high school mathematics 1, mathematics 2, physics, chemistry and geography with a view to enter education at 10-12 years of age, and where these results are achieved with less regimentation and formality than when children first learn their A - B – C in prep school.
- By early involvement of Parents, unique and natural Confidence is preserved from early childhood through playing freely learning which engage the 5 senses to develop greater natural intelligence and resourcefulness throughout adulthood and life.
Looking at the exhibits below by Student 1 [5-year-old Rachel] and Student 2 [4-year-old Rebecca]: one could wonder how a 4 or 5-year-old could possibly have accomplished this level of work by him or herself.
The following sections show how these achievements can be accomplished by any child:
Student 1: Written Work In Book At 5 Years 4 Months

Student 2: Written Work In Book At 4 Years 8 Months

INTRODUCTION 2: This Is How Babies Learn WRITING and SPELLING Before ALGEBRA And Reading
Below shows Movement of the Parent’s Hand in the air and on paper, making Vowel and Consonant sounds at the Same Time such as: “eeeeeeee” and “ooooooo” and “aarrrrrrr” and “ieeeeee” and “mmmmm” for their Babies and very Young Children to see, hear and to train the eye to follow motion, assisting their Child to write Letters and Numbers from earliest Childhood. Exaggerating the Vowel component creates natural interest because the Vowel Sound is the most expressive part of Human Speech.

INTRODUCTION 3: This Is How Babies READ On The Adult Level By 3 Years Of Age Beginning The Same Time As Learning How To Speak
Right: shows Student 1 Reading with Adult Ability at 3 years of age after Daily 1 Minute Visual Primer Sessions from 2 Months of age, where these sessions account for 1/50th of TV commercial advertising time seen by all children. Click Play
Right: Shows how adult reading by 3 years of ages begins using Visual Primer, a 1 minute a day Film program marrying Speech simultaneously with its Written form, so very young children associate the spoken form with the written form in early childhood resulting in advanced reading ability shown above. Click Play
INTRODUCTION 4: Combining Reading, Writing, Arithmetic for ALGEBRA at 3 Years of Age
Collect all Words or Terms from Kindergarten to High school which Mean Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (x), Division ( / ). EG Below and Read or Show them to your child:

Make written sentences using one Arithmetic Function at time, and assist your child write the corresponding Arithmetic Sequence alongside or below it. EG Below using the Addition (+) and Equals (=) signs first:

Once your Preschool child can Read and Remember the Arithmetic Functions and can Substitute Words for Numbers in Arithmetic Sequences as shown in Part 2, your child is ready to Read and Substitute Words and Numbers to find or solve Unknown Values with ALGEBRA first in Colour Code to Highlight and Standardize the element components and Functionalities, then in Plain Text. EG Below:

Below shows combination of Parts 1, 2 & 3 with DD-Code Written and Spoken Instruction to Solve “X + 1 = 2" for a 3-Year-Old. With 170 Spoken Words over a 90 Second Period in 4 Sessions, the 3-Year-Old is on his/her way to using Algebra and Arithmetic from earliest infancy for life.

Below shows Software and Show-Plate application for generating ‘Dimensional’ interest in the 4 basic Arithmetic and Algebraic Symbols of Mathematics. EG: the large Yellow Plate is the intermediate step to understanding “4 Divided By 2 is 4” by children, and more effective than rote learning or traditional Volumetric displays for children and can also be used by babies and very young children with every increasing interest.

Graphics below show how Mathematic and Numerical Concepts including the concept of Infinity can be shown to very young children from 12 months, by including an “intermediatory” step in this learning process. Children at this age can associate this step to the Numerical Concept with greater cognition and memory when of the Numerical Concept when the Aesthetics and varying Rhythm of Colour Schemes, Shapes and Constantly Changing Expressing of Voice, indicated by DD-Code are part of the Mathematical Learning Process.