NSRS: New Scales for Reading Standards

NSRS: New Scales for Reading Standards, deals with the Identification, Recognition and Specific Testing of Elements which collectively Create the Correlation of the 2000-Year-Old Sound to Letter Code of English.
The following Summary Outline Information has been prepared to assist Education Departments and Governments understand how present Reading & Decoding assessment of the Literacy Aspect of Reading is impossible to address because Knowledge of how the language works, breaks up, and the correlation of the Sound to Letter Code of English is all-necessary for the Teaching of Reading and creation and implementation of School Reading Assessments.
The general purpose of this section is to facilitate Education Departments understand how Development of Literacy Assessments based on Implementation of The Periodic Table Of English and The DD-Code in School Curricula can be created to Eliminate Illiteracy and impart Superior Advanced Decoding and Reading Ability and Increase Average IQ across the Population.
ADA - Adult Decoding Ability
What a department will do with DD-Code once a Pilot concludes in the affirmative varies from country to country. One thing that is common from education entities we have communicated The Periodic Table Of English™ and DD-Code™, is that if DD-Code™ was introduced into the First Two or Three Years of School, Adult Decoding and Reading ability, or 40% Mastery of 14 year old level determined by reading standards, could rise to 90% Mastery by 7-9 Years of Age across the population.
With Factors Now Such As Ability To:
Visually Scan Text at Greater Speed by overcoming the Decoding-Problem Aspect of deriving Speech from Text. Development of Confident Fluent Speech from Text Advanced Reading and Spelling across the board - Reading Tests and Standards are required to be much higher for the first time in the History of Education.
But How Can We Know Something We Learn Without Thinking?
Or Don't Think About Learning?
Or Taught But Remains Unknown By Nature Of The Material?
Or Taught At All ... Be Tested?
The components NSRS can test for the first time due to development of DD-Code are not included in any Reading Test of the world. Components we can now test are parts which could not be assessed before advent of The Periodic Table of English. These components now Known and Named can be included in any teaching and testing to greatest effect.
Introduction of DD-Code Program and Universal Components such as, Expansion of Rabeck Triangle™ for Visual Differentiation of Vowel & Consonant for Formation of Syllable Structuring, can be tested in the New Scales for Reading Standards. Advanced DD-Code Program Applications can be introduced over a number of years into main stream instead of 20 weeks such as the Pilot or Commercial Application you are presently aware of to control Advanced Reading Ability while developing and using NSRS to work out how best to use DD-Code over a given period or numbers determined by a Department.
While a picture may represent a 1000 Words, a 1000 Words may represent a Lifetime of Understanding because of the Non-Phonetic nature of English taking up the most of the Time and Energy throughout school, and some adult life. The Decoding aspect of Reading, the first and most important step to Understanding what one is able to first Sound Out, does not take a Lifetime to achieve using The Periodic Phonetic Code Of English in the initial learning stages of Reading, Speaking & Writing the Language of English.
The Phonetic Code / Why & How - English Is The Way It Is
Tests can be made to test knowledge of the Phonetic Code™ by students for the first time by Education Departments.
For Example:
- Why or How does the Letter-B remain Phonetic like "buh" in a word like: "boot"? Then change to a Non Phonetic Cluster of Sound like "byuh" in a word like: "beaut"?
- Why or How does the Letter-D remain Phonetic like "duh" in a word like: "baled"? Then change completely to the Non Phonetic Sound of "tuh" in a word like: "based"?
- Why or How does the Letter-C remain Phonetic like "cuh" in a word like: "cat"? Then change completely to the Non Phonetic Sound of "suh" in a word like: "cent"?
By Knowing Every Aspect of the Phonetic Code - We Can Test It

New Scales for Reading Standards Summary
Attainment of virtual instant decoding and Superior Reading ability by children of all ages and backgrounds has required production of New Scales for Reading to test outright achievement and component parts of The Sound To Letter Code Of English which are integral parts of the program themselves. Present Reading & Decoding assessment of the Literacy Aspect of Reading is impossible to address by Schools & Universities because DD-CODE is the only 100% reliable Speech to Text Correlation for the Decoding and other aspects of the Language of English, and the Knowledge of how the language Works and Breaks up, is all-necessary for any testing.
Reading Standards today merely assess the "reading ability" according to age and arbitrary points within a system without the Knowledge of the Phonetic Code, not whether, for example, a Grade 4 Child can read any printed text or not, but rather, the testing of the "knowledge" of a Set of Words. Without an X-ray of the Language which is the Sound To Letter Code, assessments cannot identify what the "problem" might be in terms of the Sound of Letters and Construction of Words in terms of Sounding or Speaking the Word Out in Whole, or how to solve the so called "problem area" once it was "identified", or if it can be identified at all.
After 100% Sound to Letter Association Ability is achieved by the Grade 4 Student, the student in Main Stream Education Systems can be tested on the following Periodic Table of English Phonetic Code Summary Program Components which constitutes NSRS - The New Scales for Reading Standards.
Summary Component Testing
Ability to: Pronounce All Accents of the 22 Vowels & 26 Consonants of: USA / UK / Canadian / NZ / Australian English precisely.
Ability to: Derive The Rabeck Triangle.
Ability to: Differentiate Graphically, Vowel from Consonant in Printed Text using RABECK TRIANGLE and DD-CODE Part Word Component Syllable Structuring.
Ability to: Associate the Vowel Sound Group to Rabeck Triangle Expansion Group.
Ability to: Unify Graphically, Rabeck Vowel and Consonant to form Order-1Type Syllable.
Ability to: Verbalize, Rabeck Vowel and Consonant of Order-1 Type Syllable.
Ability to: Recognize and Associate the Indeterminate to Rabeck Triangle for Approximation.
Ability to: Employ, Graphically and Animatedly, the 14 (only) ways for Formation of Syllables across Two Million Words.
Ability to: Associate Phonetic, Variant Changes and Silent Consonant Sounds to Letters.
Ability to: Detect Regular and Irregular Sound-to-Letter Association of Type-1 Syllable in Black & White Text.
Ability to: Detect Regular and Irregular Sound-to-Letter Association of remaining 13 Type Syllable Formations in Black and White Text.
Ability to: Recognize DD-CODE Part Word Components and Minimum Multiple Accentuation of each word thereof
Ability to: Decode, Read and Speak Phrases & Sentences, All and Any Printed Text with Superior and Fluent Understanding of Meaning and Tone as intended by the Writer.
DD-CODE Summary
Application of DD-CODE Field Work and NSRS Testing as a result, and irrespective of Age, background, complexity of Printed Text being Read or Experience with the English Language, DD-CODE seems to ignore so called 'problems' and facilitates advanced Adult Decoding Ability from first or immediate exposure by anyone using DD-CODE Transitional Text.
DD-CODE Read and Speech Applications are not designed according to age, experience with the English Language or even difficulty of Printed Text, because the student shall be able to Read and Speak from Print – or Not, this is what NSRS Testing is shows as a result of DD-Code in the Literacy Field.
The broader application of DD-CODE within the field of education may eliminate illiteracy and increase the individual and collective IQ of society across the board. ¨Where DD-Code application is implemented in Early Primary School, and using (any) Scales of Primary Intelligence, General Intelligence of 100-IO may increase to 120-IQ by 12- 15 Years of Age.