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The Elimination Of Illiteracy In 7,000 Languages Project

DD-Code Phonetic Search Engine

Read and Speak the Two million words which constitute the
English Language by Knowing the Phonetic Code of Just One Word

The DD-Code — Elimination of Illiteracy

1. Read and Speak the entire English language by learning the Phonetic Code of just 1 word.

The precise reading vocalisation or enunciation of one word or the entire language of words is determined by a single 4-layer sound to letter, Phonetic Key: The DD-Code

The DD-Code Sound to Letter Key

  1. Magenta Vowel Superscript 1 to 22 for Sound
  2. Black Consonant Sounded Phonetically
  3. Blue Consonant Sounded by Phonetic Superscript
  4. Yellow Letters remain Mute
Click Text

Ae7o4nsz a22go9, a6 Co4szmi3c Ca1nno22n too16k ai6m a1nd ow5ne o4fv th+e22 lar11gje22st co4me22ts e2ver13 o4bszer13ved by8 star11 ga6zer13sz, wi3ll sla1m i3nto10 th+e22 pla1ne22t JU10PI3TER13 a1t 12 noo10n to22day6.

2. The DD-Code 4 General Functions

The DD-Code more particularly formats the English language so 1 symbol represents only 1 sound, hence, identifying all sounds, of all letters of all words and visualisation of syllable formation of whole words by graphic differentiation of Vowel, Phonetic, Sound-Switch and Silent letter groups for deriving instant cognition of speech from the printed form.

1. The DD-Code 1 To 1 Sound To Letter Correlation
2. Animated Syllable Formation
3. Multiple Word Intonation
4. Multiple Phrase Intonation

Purchase DD-Code Read and Speak: Click Here

3. DD-Code Syllable Formation

1 - DD-Code Consonant Syllable Formation: There are 7 ways that syllables are formed by words beginning with The Consonants. Click on the buttons below, then the forward arrow to form the Syllables with DD-Code Visual Formation


2 - DD-Code Vowel Syllable Formation: There are 7 ways that syllables are formed by words beginning with The Consonants. Click on the buttons below, then the forward arrow to form the Syllables with DD-Code Visual Formation


4. First 100 Words at School

  • Below are the first 100 words learned by children at school.
  • These words can take up to 3 years to learn by all children from prep-school to grade 2.
  • Depending on time/ability, DD-Code can facilitate the learning of these words in 3 hours, 3 days or a week.
  • Any young student using the DD-Code demonstration below can be at the top of the class in Reading even before going to school.

Using DD-Code and The First 100 Words

  1. Click on Group 1 Words then Click on the Plain Text Words to Hear them spoken.
  2. Next, click on DD-Code Button, and then the Letters to Read and Sound out each letter with your child.
  3. Make short Phrases / Sentences with these words in them for your child to Hear, then write these Phrases / Sentences in a scrapbook for ongoing Reading exercises.
  4. You can also click the Vowels and Consonants in the tables below to develop advanced Hearing, Speaking and Writing Ability.


a5 a1nd be7 I8
i3sz i3n i3t o4fv
th+a1t th+e22 to10 wa4sz

a17ll a1sz are11 a1t bu5t for17 ha1d
ha1ve he7 her13 i3sz no4t o4n ow 5ne
sai2d so9 th+ey6 we7 wi3th- you10

a1n by8 do10
go9 i3t me7 my8
no9 or17 u5p

bi3g cka1n di3d ge2t ha1sz
hi3m o4ff our18 o9ld ou19t see7
sh​she7 two10 who10 be7gi3n u5p

ba1ckk bee7n cka6me dow19n fro4m
i3nto10 ma6de mu5ch​ch o9ver13 th+e2m th+i3s
we2ll we2nt whe2n a1fter13 why8

cka17ll cko5me here14 ma6ke
mu5st o9nly7 so5me th+e2n
where12 wha4t wi3ll your13

a22bou19t be7fore17 ckou16ld fir13st li3ttle
too16k more17 o5th+er13 ri8ght
th+ere12 th+eir12 wa4nt where12 whi3ch​ch

  1. Purchase DD-Code Main Literacy Program for development of Adult Like Reading Ability  and your child’s full Potential in Early Childhood: Click Here
  2. Purchase DD-Code Phonetic Word Processor: Click Here

5. English Literacy

Click DD-Code button and really Read what you are seeing and sounding when you are speaking and reading the English Language from printed text

When DD-Code Page Is Up

  1. Clicking on "Any Letter of Any Word", brings up film of the mouth saying the Vowel & Consonant, in either Mid Atlantic or Australian Educated English. [Pronunciation of whole words is not functional here.]
  2. If you click the "Plain Text" button Top/Left of the page, it brings the page back to Plain Text, but you are still able to view the Phonetic Code of each word individually as you move the curser over each word.
  3. If you click the "P.A" button Top/Left of the page, the page is converted into the International Phonetic Alphabet which, which until now, large parts of the world use to pronounce the English language.
  4. After viewing DD-Code, Click DD-Code Page away to continue below:
  5. Purchase DD-Code Browser and Corporate Site Button: Click Here

6. Non-Phonetic Code of English

1. The Table below shows how the letter-A may have up to 10 different sounds: showing how just one letter can change sound from word to word many times within the language, making the language difficult for learners of English by inconsistency of the sound to letter code of English.

2. Conversely, the table below shows how just one vowel sound may have multiple English Vowel letter group representations: The table shows how the sound of “ee” may be represented by 12 different vowel letter groups, further confusing learners of English by the non-phonetic nature of the language.

Purchase DD-Code Internet Phonetic Search Engine: Click Here

7. DD-Code: The 100% Phonetic Code of English

  • The DD-Code correlates the 22 vowels and 26 consonant sounds to the 26 letters of the alphabet by a 1 to 1 sound to letter association, 4 Key Phonetic Code, whereby, each letter has only one sound, and on sound only across the entire language of written and spoken English
  • The DD-Code more particularly translates everyday printed text into an alpha-numero-graphic sound to letter format that forms a 100% reliable, speech to text phonetic code that is universal for instant decipherment of speech and reading from printed text.
  • The DD-Code phonetic key is the binary code and absolute correlation that binds together the written and spoken forms of English and makes the English language 100% Phonetic for the first time in the 2,000-4,000-year-old history and evolution of the language.
  • Purchase Limited Edition P.E.R.I.O.D.I.C Table of English Hardback and Software: Click Here

8. Reading And Speaking Languages Instantly

  • If you cannot read or speak French, play the video and see how to read and speak the entire language of French by knowing the Phonetic Code of just 1 word.
  • In this way you can see how DD-Code facilitates the reading and speaking of English by people who do not know the English language by seeing how you are able to speak another language. with DD-Code
  • Purchase DD-Code English as a Second Language (ESL) Products and Services: Click Here
  • Purchase Limited Edition P.E.R.I.O.D.I.C Table of French Hardback and Software: Click Here

9. The DD-Code Internet Phonetic Search Engine

Search the Internet using DD-Code Education Phonetic Text. Click DD-Code button when Site is up.

When DD-Code Site Page Is Up:

  1. Clicking on "Any Letter of Any Word", brings up film of the mouth saying the Vowel & Consonant, in either Mid Atlantic or Australian Educated English. [Pronunciation of whole words is not functional here.]
  2. If you click the "Plain Text" button Top/Left of the page, it brings the page back to Plain Text, but you are still able to view the Phonetic Code of each word individually as you move the cursor over each word.
  3. If you click the "I.P.A." button Top/Left of the page, the page is converted into the International Phonetic Alphabet which, which until now, large parts of the world use to pronounce the English language.
  4. Purchase DD-Code Internet Phonetic Search Engine: Click Here

10. DD-Code Global Literacy Advancement

  • In addition to preserving English and all languages of the world, one of the most important applications of DD-Code is facilitating the exponential use and spread of languages and has become the greatest single promoter of amity and friendship between countries ever known.
  • Decipherment of The DD-Code and the 2000-year-old Phonetic Code of English education development is now a reality to eradicate of illiteracy throughout the world, entirely and genuinely for the first time in human history and puts mankind on its way to the stars earlier than time.
  • Derived from The P.E.R.I.O.D.I.C Table of English, application of DD-Code to the fields of education and communication breaks down international language barriers of all kinds by facilitating instant cognition for reading and speaking the language of English with virtually No requirement of memory to read and speak any and all English printed text.
  • It is important to note that DD-Code is not limited to the language of English, and encompasses all languages initially including Mandarin, Japanese, Hindi, Arabic, Russian, Spanish, German, French and Italian and the differing Accents of these languages.
  • Please read DD-Code Summary of Elimination of Illiteracy, greater IQ, and accelerated world GDP: Click Here

11. Purchase DD-Code Main English Literacy Education Program

12. Contact Us

Contact us for General DD-Code Information: info@theddcode.com